Contact information

Lisa Morrison

Halifax, Nova Scotia | CA


Lisa Morrison is a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist who completed the Nickerson Institute's Highly Sensitive Person training course in an effort to better serve her HSP reflexology clients.Lisa also emanates a peaceful, spiritual nature that helps with calming and releasing during her sessions.I love communing with nature, hate feeling rushed, and I am meticulous in all things. I am passionate about providing a relaxing experience that rejuvenates your whole being. I know how it is to feel frazzled and stressed by life. I've even had health issues arise because I gave too much to the world and didn't take time out for my own self-care. Reflexology therapy allowed me to relax and let it all go. The mind chatter, the worry, the trying-to-figure-it-all-out, the body tension - gone. I felt transformed. That's why I became a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist and founded Halifax Reflexology. My clients tell me they value my calm nature and unwavering capacity to hold space for them. I'm praised for my ability to listen deeply and offer intuitive feedback. It is both a privilege and an honour to support each person that comes through my door. Many of my clients are highly sensitive people, and I am one too. Come as you are: I'd be honoured to work with you.