Contact information

Amberly Kelley-Dotson
Knoxville, TN | US
amberlyyogaandwellness@gmail.com931-308-1965 http://www.amberlyyogaandwellness.com

Amberly Kelley-Dotson, MS, E-RYT, YACEP

Certifications / areas of focus: pattern recognition and transformation, anxiety, mind-body-spirit connection, LGBTQIA+ issues

After struggling to reconnect with her body and battling extreme anxiety in her young adulthood, Amberly eventually discovered the incredible combination of yoga and coaching. Through coaching, she was able to reframe her thought patterns and through private therapeutic yoga sessions, she was able to address maladaptive movement patterns and release trauma that was stuck in her body. The immense healing she experienced inspired her to pursue training in these areas. She has been teaching yoga since 2016 and has continued her study and education by attending multiple therapeutic and trauma-informed trainings. She is currently pursuing her 500-hour training through the American Vini yoga Institute's Foundation Program for Teaching and Yoga Therapy. In 2019, she enrolled in The Nickerson Institute's Integrative Health Coaching program and specializes in a holistic approach to wellbeing and mental health. She is passionate about inclusivity and accessibility and is always learning and growing. Amberly views the body and mind as part of a holistic system, and addresses it as such in both her yoga and coaching practices. She often weaves together talk coaching with guided meditation, breathing practices, and occasionally some movement. In her spare time, she loves to be in her kitchen experimenting with new dishes, curled up with her sweet kitties reading a book, and enjoying nature with her wife.

Remember to fill your cup, so that you can give from the overflow

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