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Ben Meyers
East Norriton, PA | US

My name is Ben Meyers, however... if you have seen me on social media you might better know me as Somebody Like You!

I am a certified Integrative Mental Health Coach who helps people just like you work through their anxiety, depression, and overall mental health obstacles.

My mission is to help you connect to the best version of yourself!

That’s my life purpose…to help others. I am here to lend a hand on life's journey to those who need it. Realizing that helping others is a gift that should never be wasted.

Not even for a single day.

By sharing my personal and mental health journey through anxiety, depression, losing loved ones, and the obstacles of everyday life… I have found that I can make a beautiful impact on the lives of others!


Check out to find out more about my journey and how I help others!

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