Course Information

Self-paced video
20 hours
American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)
Dr. Wendy Nickerson
NOW $299

Most countries can pay with a credit or debit card as a Guest. No Paypal account needed.

Overview & Content

This course is designed for individuals and professionals who seek additional information and knowledge of foods, nutrients and supplements that can cause or cure four mental health disorders – depression, anxiety, Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).  In addition, you will learn the Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills to effectively aid in helping clients to make nutritional changes. The modules in this course are taken directly from Nickerson Institute’s Certified Integrative Mental Health Coach Training Program.

Most people have no idea of what they are actually eating and the true impact that it is having on their mental and physical health.  It is no secret that the quality of our food is severely lacking. In this course you will uncover some of the hidden truths of your food sources and how it impacts mental health.

The effect of nutrients on the brain and behavior are well-documented through research. Our brains use the majority of the nutrients we take in through diet. The levels of nutrients we require for proper brain function change throughout the lifespan. Infant brains use almost 90% of the child’s daily food intake partly because the child is growing and the brain is building and pruning synaptic connections. This drops to between 30-45% between ages 6 and 12. By adulthood, with our synaptic connectivity stabilized, the brain’s energy demands drop to 20-25%.

Specific nutrients have been identified as necessary to ensure healthy body and brain functions. Without proper nutrition, the brain is unable to control mood, cognitive abilities and movement. We will be discovering the key nutrients that can prevent or alleviate 4 mental health disorders – Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, and AD.

In addition, you will learn key listening and communication strategies, along with effective motivational interviewing skills to help engage and encourage clients to make necessary nutritional changes to optimize their mental health.

Course Information

Who should take the course
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  • Health and wellness professionals who want additional nutritional information to help clients who are experiencing mental health issues
  • Wellness Coaches who want to expand their level of mental health expertise through behavioral nutrition
  • Individuals who want to gain knowledge on the specific foods and supplements that aid in decreasing symptoms of  depression, anxiety, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s Disease
Course Objectives
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At the end of the course, the participant will...

  • Assess the interaction of foods and nutrients with brain functioning, mental health, and behavior
  • Attain knowledge of the nutrients required to decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Develop skills for effective communication, listening, and intuition
  • Practice motivational interviewing skills and techniques

What you'll learn...

Training topics included in the 20 hour course

Foods and nutrients that decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s Disease
How specific foods actually decrease inflammation in the brain
How our food supply is directly related to mental and physical illnesses
How to effectively use motivational interviewing to help clients make changes
The impact of gluten, pesticides, preservatives, GMO’s and other chemicals on mental health
Supplements that can easily be implemented to prevent and/or decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s Disease

START Behavioral Nutrition
and Motivational Interviewing
Skills NOW


Most countries can pay with a credit or debit card as a Guest. No Paypal account needed.

Course Features

Upon completion of the course, you’ll receive:

Copy of the course slides
and transcript (available upon request)
Certificate clipart
Digital certificate of completion
For professionals / accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Seal from the Nickerson Institute
For professionals to share on your website/marketing material
Discounts on other courses
for continued support and self-development

SEE a sample...

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Instructor Information

Dr. Wendy Nickerson and Jeannette Folan

Dr. Wendy Nickerson

The principle instructor of this program is Dr. Wendy Nickerson, founder of the Nickerson Institute for Integrative Health Training, Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Canada  and the United States, university instructor to graduate students in Counselling Education and Behavioral Health Sciences, and author of “Wild Women Never Get The Blues”.

Read Dr. Nickerson’s personal story and full bio on this page.