No, it is not necessary to have a degree, however some hiring organizations favor those that have a degree in addition to the IHC training. It is more important that you have an interest and passion for mind, body, spirit wellness.
This program teaches techniques and strategies related to holistic mental health. This includes mind, body and spirit. Most people trained in mental health only have the mind techniques, however research has repeatedly indicate that an integrative approach produce much more sustainable results.
You will need approximately 13 hours per module. There are 15 modules. This includes watching Dr. Nickerson's video instruction, watching additional video clips, reading assigned articles, contributing to a discussion board, submitting written assignments, building a coaching toolbox, as well as practicing your coaching skills.
You will be given a discussion question and a written assignment vignette for each module. In addition, you will be continuously working on your personalized toolbox throughout the program. There will also be opportunities to audiotape portions of sessions and a whole session to demonstrate your application of the skills taught.
Yes, you can make payments of 2 or 4 monthly installments. The first payment is due before the beginning of the first session. The following payments will be scheduled every 30 days after, each includes a $50 finance fee.
Yes,after completion of the course you will receive 4 sessions on important aspects of setting up your business. This will cover areas of social media, proper forms, brochures, website, and powerpoint presentations, for example. In addition,you will be given access to our monthly meetings so you can engage with other IHCs and discuss projects and gain support.
You will also gain visibility on the Nickerson Institute website with your personalized one-page Integrative Health Coaching business web page. This professional webpage will be located on the Nickerson Institute of Integrative Health Training website, under “Find an Integrative Health Coach”.
According to the United States Department of Labor, the employment of healthcare support occupations in the U.S. is expected to grow 13% by 2024, which is “faster than the average for all occupations.” Health coaching has grown to a $6 billion market in the United States, and more than 100,000 people are part of the profession. That said, urban areas are more likely to hire health coaches, whereas in rural areas it is better to start your own business.
This program focuses on mental health in addition to physical and spiritual health. It also focuses on behavioral nutrition as it relates to mental health; and on psychoneuroimmunology, and that is a big word for how the mind, thoughts and stress create illness in the body. Most other program focus on nutrition and exercise.
Yes, the program is accredited with the Health Coach Alliance and with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Upon graduation and registration with one/both of these organizations, you will receive the designation of Registered Health Coach.