Course Information

Self-paced video
American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)
Darlene Pozniak

Most countries can pay with a credit or debit card as a Guest. No Paypal account needed.

Overview & Content

Are you suffering from chronic fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, and/or various sensitivities (light/chemicals/digestive)? Perhaps you are in the healthcare industry seeing complex cases that are difficult to treat? If so, this could be the right course for you!

The Conscious Healing course offer a holistic formula that promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

This 11-module online interactive course is designed for individuals and professionals who are seeking additional understanding, deeper knowledge, and specific resources about Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

For Coaches and Health and Wellness Professionals:

Those supporting clients with C-PTSD will gain a deeper understanding of C-PTSD and can offer guidance on coping strategies, emotional regulation techniques, setting realistic goals, establishing healthy routines, and fostering self-compassion.  They can provide tools for managing triggers, building resilience, and navigating relationships while prioritizing the client’s mental health and wellbeing.  As a coach or health and wellness professional, it is important to recognize if you are also relating to the symptoms of C-PTSD and to understand your own triggers and limitations when working with clients.

This content topics cover:

  • Complex trauma and C-PTSD
  • Trauma and it’s variants and trauma types specific to C-PTSD
  • Understanding toxic family dynamics, adverse childhood experiences, attachment trauma and the deep wound of emotional neglect
  • How it affects various aspects of wellbeing, including social, relational, physical, mental and emotional impacts
  • The types of coping mechanisms and roadblocks to healing
  • Evidence based therapies, acceptance and grieving as a key to healing process
  • Individual empowerment, building resilience and moving forward through personalized action plans

What you will learn…

Training Topics included in this course –  

Module 1
  1. What is Complex Trauma
  2. Trauma and it’s Variants
  3. Trauma Types Specific to C-PTSD
  4. The Difference Between PTSD and C-PTSD
  5. Causes, Symptoms, and Triggers
Module 2
  1. The Highly Sensitive Person
  2. Toxic Family Dynamics
  3. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)
  4. Attachment Theory and Styles
  5. Attachment Trauma - The Origin of the Inner Critic
Module 3
  1. Emotional Neglect the Core Wound
  2. The impact of Early Emotional Neglect
  3. Self-Abandonment
  4. Denial & Minimization
  5. Awareness & Acceptance
Module 4
  1. Cognition, Emotions & Behavior
  2. Relation Dynamics & Social Impact
  3. Men & Trauma Symptoms
  4. C-PTSD in the Workplace
Module 5
  1. ACE’s & Health Outcomes
  2. Autoimmune Disease
  3. Your Brain on C-PTSD
  4. C-PTSD & Pregnancy
Module 6
  1. Evidence Based Therapies
  2. Nervous System Regulation
  3. Vagal Toning
  4. Spinal Flow Technique
  5. Medication & Their Role
Module 7
  1. Factors in Coping Choices
  2. Harmful Coping Strategies
  3. Healthy Coping Strategies
  4. Building Resilience
  5. Why Men Need Self-Care
Module 8
  1. Grieving to Heal Complex Trauma
  2. Emotional Flashbacks of C-PTSD
  3. Roadblock – That Darn Inner Critic
  4. What the process might look like during therapy
Module 9
  1. Communicating needs to professionals
  2. Communicating to Friends and Family
  3. Telling Others What You Need
Module 10
  1. Building Healthy Relationships Post-Trauma
  2. Understanding Boundaries and Setting Limits
  3. Creating and Individualized Action Plan
Module 11
  1. Empowerment and Moving Forward
  2. Tracking Progress and Adapting Strategies
  3. Identifying Resources and Ongoing Support Systems
  4. Signs of Healing from Trauma

Navigating C-PTSD: From Complex
to Uncomplicated

Most countries can pay with a credit or debit card as a Guest. No Paypal account needed.

Course Features

Upon completion of the course, you’ll receive:

Copy of the course slides
Certificate clipart
Digital certificate of completion
For professionals / accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Seal from the Nickerson Institute
For professionals to share on your website/marketing material
Discounts on other courses
for continued support and self-development


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