Course Information

Self-paced video
20 hours
American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)
Dr. Wendy Nickerson
$299 (USD)

Most countries can pay with a credit or debit card as a Guest. No Paypal account needed.

Overview & Content

Are you suffering from chronic fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, and/or various sensitivities (light/chemicals/digestive)? Perhaps you are in the healthcare industry seeing complex cases that are difficult to treat? If so, this could be the right course for you!

The Conscious Healing course offer a holistic formula that promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

This course is designed for individuals and professionals who seek additional knowledge insights, and interventions related to teen depression, substance abuse, and suicide detection and prevention.  Motivational interviewing is also taught to aid in getting more positive results when interacting and/or working with teens. The modules in this course are taken directly from Nickerson Institute’s Certified Integrative Mental Health Coach Training Program.

Many teens struggle with low self-esteem, body image problems, anxiety and depression; ultimately turning to drugs and alcohol for some relief and sense of stability and control in their lives.  Families are affected by their moods and their behaviors.  Consequently, the stress in the family contributes to the negative behaviors and thoughts of the teens. Ironically, during a time when they need the most love, it is difficult for many parents to provide this nurturance in the face of their rebellion and struggle.

Unfortunately, many teens contemplate suicide as a way of ending their suffering. Often times those attempting suicide keep it a secret and present with no signs of their intention. However, most provide clear signs that you can watch for and determine the degree of danger that they are to themselves.  This is where your impeccable listening skills are extremely essential and valuable. You will often find yourself listening for what is NOT being stated.  

Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication designed to strengthen personal motivation for commitment to a specific goal (behavior change) by eliciting and exploring the person’s own reason(s) for change in an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion.  MI has been shown to be especially effective when working with clients with addictions. This respectful and non-judgmental method focuses on the teen’s strengths and helps them navigate their uncertainties and build confidence in their ability to make positive changes.

Course Information

Who should take the course
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  • Individuals who want to gain knowledge and understanding of why we have an epidemic of teen depression, substance usage, and suicide; and methods for change and prevention
  • Health and wellness professionals who want additional tools when working with teens who experience depression, substance usage, and suicidal ideation
  • Wellness Coaches who want to gain a more integrative approach (mind, body, and spirit) in understanding and working with teens who are struggling with depression and/or substance usage; and want additional skills in detecting and preventing suicide
Course Objectives
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At the end of the course, the participant will...

  • Understand the deeper issues behind teen depression, spirituality, and brain development
  • Provide teens with additional tools to aid in authentic identity development
  • Discern appropriate questions to ask if suicidal ideation is suspected
  • Realize the important components of suicide detection and prevention
  • Utilize motivational interviewing techniques to gain optimal change results
  • Equip teens with tools and coping skills used to improve emotional wellness
  • Create a supportive and empowering space for teens to process feelings and gain personal development
  • Gain a new perspective on why teens are struggling with their mental health

What you will learn…

Training Topics included in this course –  

Who are these ‘New Kids on the Block’ and why were they born with an advanced sense of knowing?
Why Indigo and Star children (teens) are gifted with high levels of sensitivity
Why teens’ advanced levels of consciousness are often misdiagnosed as depression and/or ADHD
How depressed teens often provide a mirror for the unresolved issues of their parents
Why teen depression is often a spiritual issue at its core – however most often overlooked
Distinct emotional states that are typical of teen development
How to recognize the signs and symptoms of substance usage/abuse
How drugs can fixate the teen in a state of chronic grief and sense of hopelessness
Types of passive and active suicidal thoughts and statements
How to handle a situation if a teen is acutely suicidal
The best way to develop a safety contract and plan if suicidal ideation is suspected
The most effective suicide assessment tools and how to utilize them
How to interact with a teen using the most evidence-based communication techniques

START Teen Depression and
Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention,
and Motivational Interviewing NOW -
$299 USD

Most countries can pay with a credit or debit card as a Guest. No Paypal account needed.

Course Features

Upon completion of the course, you’ll receive:

Copy of the course slides
and transcript (available upon request)
Certificate clipart
Digital certificate of completion
For professionals / accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Seal from the Nickerson Institute
For professionals to share on your website/marketing material
Discounts on other courses
for continued support and self-development

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Instructor Information

Fajr Nishat

Dr. Wendy Nickerson

The principle instructor of this program is Dr. Wendy Nickerson, founder of the Nickerson Institute for Integrative Health Training, Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Canada  and the United States, university instructor to graduate students in Counselling Education and Behavioral Health Sciences, and author of “Wild Women Never Get The Blues”.

Read Dr. Nickerson’s personal story and full bio on this page.